First house on the street - across from the mailboxes. (I've been taking the camera when we walk to the mailbox at night) Can't quite get all the street in one shot with my camera - maybe I should have walked farther down but with the curve in the street it probably still wouldn't have worked. Who knows?
Anyway - now we are back on our side of the street looking back towards our house. (actually, I must have been standing in front of our house when I took this one)
The next three are the same house - it's hard to get it all in with just one.
I think he adds something every day.
They play music too!
To the left of us
and to the right.
And this is us. We are kinda boring compared to the rest of the block! We gave away most of our outdoor stuff when we moved - this yard is much smaller and we weren't sure what we could use, plus we already had three storage units full while waiting to move in. Don't you think we need that picket fence across the front?
On the front porch. Guess I didn't take a picture of the vintage shopping cart full of ornaments - you can just see the corner of it. I think I'll add some lights in in next year. You can see the dining room trees in the porch pictures too.
Santa will greet you at the front door. Also failed to get a picture of the wreath on the front door. It might get some lights next year too.
Since we always come in through the garage door, I thought it needed a little something too!
Timothy made it here last night and Brian will be here later today. Hubby is off tomorrow until Tuesday so we are going to be enjoying some family time. (and missing baby boy and his bride!) I'm not sure if I'll get another post in before Christmas so I want to thank those of you who visit (and comment!) on a regular basis - and those who just stop by on occasion, and if this is your first visit - welcome!
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!