Monday, December 29, 2008

A doggie Christmas

Yes, I know, Christmas was days ago but I'm just now getting here with a post! Things get 'off schedule' a bit during the holidays. (not that I have had a real schedule lately, but you know what I mean)
We had a nice Christmas here. We had 'our family' Christmas in the morning then went to my sister's for lunch and Christmas with the rest of the family. The doggies got 'dressed' after we opened our packages.

I'm not sure Squeaky was impressed with her new fashion accessory.

Nicholas, well, he is just Nicholas.

I can't believe Autumn actually left it on until we took it off!
I'm spending this week trying to get back in to some kind of routine. I am going to take my time getting the Christmas decor put away and hopefully get it done in some kind of order so it will be easy to get out next year.
Hope you have a wonderful last Monday of 2008!

1 comment:

Brenda Pruitt said...

Yes, a chore I'm dreading myself. Love the pics of the dog babies!