Anyway - after 3 U-Haul loads, 4 truck loads and countless car loads the building is full. I didn't take any 'during' pictures because I was just wanting to get it done and over with but I did take a few as we were finishing up.
This is a 12' x 32' building. Remember when I told you yesterday that we couldn't have done it w/o Timothy? Let me just say, that boy can pack. He always could. If he tells you it will fit - he will get it in there, then remind you he said it would. If he tells you there is no way it is going to fit - he will sit back and watch you try your hardest until you finally cry uncle and he can say 'told ya'. I'm telling ya, the boy is gifted.
Yes - stuff is still going in. By the time we left at dark-thirty on Saturday, there was approx. six square feet of open floor space right in front of the door. I'm sure that SIL will fill that this next weekend when she comes back to 'take care of' the boxes she was supposed to be taking back with her. (we won't go there) There is still some cleaning and trashing to do at the house. I don't plan on doing it - SIL is supposed to do it this weekend but if it comes down to hubby going over there to do it over the weekend or staying here to start on the long list of things that have to get done before we can list our house, then I will go over there and do it.
I took a guide class on Bertha last week - I'm ashamed to say I haven't spent any time with her this week going over what we did in class last week. I'm going back to take class #2 today (there are 4 classes but this is the last one I can take this time - hopefully I can catch the other two next time around) I did finally get my van back yesterday so at least I'll be driving my own vehicle and can hopefully get a few errands done while I am there. (one of which is to get my eyes checked so that when I do finally have time to stitch, I can see!)
We did bring home a few 'goodies' during the past couple of weeks (because we don't have enough of our own crap to move). I'll try to get a few pictures up soon.
Better get moving - daylight is burning!
I am amazed, isn't moving so much fun. I'll never forget our move from Ft Worth, to Tyler. We filled one truck, the house was practically empty except for Roger's office, and some futon mattresses on the floor. So we got a smaller truck and began loading the rest the following week. Well we didn't get it all in, and had to stow trash cans, bicycles, and lawn furniture at neighbors houses to pick up the following week. Thankfully we had great neighbors who helped with this little hitch.
LMK if you need me to come over and help with anything. I could probably help you in the afternoon later this week if you need. I mean it.
Girl, I am laughing out loud as I read about the 80% that was moved into the garage in the beginning and never saw the light of day~ that's my garage! Also, I see lots of goodies in that storage room that I'd drag home with me in a heartbeat! I am just a packrat, and one day when I'm dead and gone, someone will have to do the same at my house!
I don't envy you this. I hate moving. But then at the end of it, there will be a new/different home to decorate. And then the fun part will actually begin.
Girl you have been busy! I had to laugh at your last couple of posts and all the places you're "not going"!!! Good packing on Tim's part. Looks like you're making lots of headway. I'll keep checking on you. See ya! Vickie
Poor you! I pray you will settle down soon in your new home.
wow! it's soo much work isn't it .. but sounds like it was going well for you guys :)
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