The lower cabinet was just this blank space (oh the horror!) I had been trying to figure out what to do there then I saw this on Tina's blog and I knew exactly what this space needed - a glass towel bar! So, I set out to find one, keeping in mind Tina's warning that they aren't easy to find. Imagine my shock when I came across not one, not two, but three when I was at the antique mall on Friday! I took out my trusty little tape measure and measured them all (I'm remembering I've measured the space and I have 18" to work with) they are all TOO LONG. I'm crushed. So, I pay for my two finds (pictured in my last post) and come home. I can't get those towel bars out of my head. While I'm writing my post I just can't stand it so before I hit publish I go measure one more time just to satisfy my curiosity and I WAS WRONG! I have 23 inches! I grab my purse, give a shout upstairs to the dh to tell him I'm heading back to the antique mall - he says 'haven't you already been there today', I say 'yep - but I'm going back'. Now I expect to hear 'why are you going again' but all I get is 'okay' - I think I'll keep him! Now I just know they will be gone already but they are all three still there - I measured the longest one again - too long. The other two were pretty close to the same size so I got this one.
The lady at the checkout said she had taken one home too so there had been at least 4 of them - can you believe that. I'm still trying to figure out where I could put another one! Anyway - here is what is hanging there at the moment
The two monogrammed towels were gifts several years ago. The coffee pot and cup I stitched a few weeks back out of this book.
Hope you are all having a great weekend!
(hope I did those link thingies right!)
edited to add - Celeste, you didn't leave any way for me to contact you. I don't have any Blue Willow patterns. I found a Blue Delft tablecloth and a 'Delicate Blue' table topper and table runner at You might try looking around there - you might find more if you took some time with it, I just did a quick search. Hope that helps. Thanks for stopping by.
The cross stitch on your cabinet is really cute! Great deal on the towel holders, way to go, I love it when I can get exactly what I was after! The towels look cute there too. I'm glad my instructions helped and now you are able to do the links.
Your cross stitch is adorable Tina, and that glass towel rail is lovely, and just perfect with your towels hanging on it. Now I want one.......
Just flat out cute - I love what you have done with a 'blank' space - your stitching is too cute, but that towel bar is wonderful showcasing your treasures. Good for you.
Great job Tina! I love the stitching and the towels - that is so much better than blank space :)
Your hubby sounds like a keeper.. Have a wonderful day!
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