Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Well, I would love to show you a finished piece, but I am 4 letters short of finishing the one I was working on last night. I got a later start than I thought I would and stitched slower due to a headache. So - I'm going to show a picture of what I worked on at our 'stitching slumber party' a couple of weeks ago.
It is 'Love' by Pine Mountain Designs. It is a pre-made pillow kit so when I finish the stitching all I have to do is put in a pillow form and sew on 3 buttons. I hope to get back to it soon and have it finished in plenty of time for Valentine's Day.
Not much news today so I guess I will head into the kitchen and see what I can round up for dinner.


ClaireEJ said...

That will make a really pretty pillow:)

Michelle said...

LOVE IT!! That is really a sweet project. I hope you are feeling better!


Linda said...

Love hearts and this is perfect for Valentine's Day. I love it and you could always enjoy it...no special occasion needed. Feel better soon. Linda

Vickie said...

I really like your heart pillow, Tina. I love mixing lots of different fabrics together on one piece. THat'll look great for Valentines! See ya - Vickie