Friday, January 25, 2008


That is about the only way to describe the weather today. I did get out for a bit but only to do those things that had to be done today (like the bank and post office) I would much prefer to stay inside, but I have to get out again to go to the cleaners for hubby's uniforms. (they aren't ready until after 3:00 - I usually got right before they close at 5:30 - maybe he will get home early enough to get them himself today)
I have had a cold all week and haven't done much stitching - takes all my effort just to breathe. I hate having a stuffy nose. I haven't had any fever with it, just a head cold. Anywho - since I need a picture for today I'll show something else I stitched up last weekend when the beast was out of the closet. I prefer to think of myself as early for this year rather than too late for last year.

I probably stitched this somewhere around 1985-86. The copyright date on the book is 1985 and it was a new book when I stitched it. At the time I just turned back the edges and glued it - yes, with hot glue - and had a wooden dowel cut to hang it from. It didn't have anything at the bottom or on the back. About 3-4 years ago I decided it needed some help so I took it apart (and took all those red ribbons off) and washed it. Bought the bell pull hardware and then it sat in a drawer until now. I would always forget about it until time to put it up at the first of December. I came across it the other day while looking for something else (that i still haven't found) and thought I would finish it up while I was sewing. If you look close you can see where it was turned back - it is a little wider that it was before, but that is ok with me. I added quilt batting and a fabric back (you can see it at the top and bottom) You tie peppermint candies with each of the ribbons and take them off to count down the days to Christmas. My kids used to fight over who would be the one to take the candy off so we had to use our 'rotation system' - the same one we used for who got to sit in the front seat of the car for the day. Back then, hubby was working shift work so we used the same system the fire department did - A,B,or C shift. Can't do even and odd when there are more than two! I guess the dh and I can take them off this year - unless the two that are still living here want to do it - ya never know.
Off to make Mexican cornbread for dinner. Hope you are warm where ever you are reading this from.
Oh - almost forgot - Anonymous - the stitched part of the pillow is an ecru/off white color.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you are not feeling well... Too bad you couldn't just stay in your jammies all day... I really like that saying on the little angel pillow... very cute

Michelle said...

What sweet work! Thanks for sharing.
