Thought I would show you my new office/sewing room. It is at least 3 times the size of my last one! (which ain't saying much) Since we have 4 bedrooms in this house (and we are officially empty nesters now) I get my own room. I showed you the two guest rooms last week. I carefully cropped those pictures - I'm not cropping anything here!
My computer cabinet is in a corner so directly on my right is a blank wall (who knows when I will ever get any pictures up on the walls - I supposed I have to actually unpack them first) The wall is beige - just like every other wall in the house. This is the current view if I look to my left.
This is where Big Bertha (my sewing machine) will make her home when her table gets here - hopefully this weekend. (still at the apartment) I will have the two windows for light and the view of the trees across the street. The trees are part of a 'reserve' and will not be cut down to build more houses. (yeah!)
Keep turning to the left and this is what I see
The bookcase is on the other end of the 'Bertha' wall. Bertha made it over yesterday - there she is in her travel case (brown with pink trim) Poor thing has been in that case since we went to Minnesota the first week of August. (I left her for a check up while we were gone and she hasn't been let out to play since)
Turn a little more (don't you just love a chair that turns with you?)
with my back to the computer and this is what I see. Under that pile 'o crap is my file cabinet - my empty file cabinet. It needed to be empty to move it. The goal is to clean out and shred as I put everything back in. We will see how that works out! I want to put a comfy chair on the wall between the door and bookcase. In addition to Bertha's table, there is another bookcase that will go in here when we get it moved over from the apartment. I can't really do a lot of organizing in here until I have the other bookcase so I can unload boxes.
Now, here's a question for ya. I need to decide what color I want to paint in here. Even if I decide to stick with a 'neutral' color (doubtful) the builder beige has to go. I can't do anything about the beige carpet at the moment so it has to stay. I also need to add something to the windows. (you can't see the top in the picture, but there are no treatments anywhere in the house - they all have the blinds, but that is it) I'll leave the blinds but I need some 'foof'. Will this be the first room to see paint? Who knows. I keep telling myself I need to get all the boxes empty before I start painting but can I do it?
See how dark and gloomy it was in that first picture? We woke to rain this morning - I thought it was going to last most of the day but the sun just broke through - hope it lasts!
Have a great weekend!!!
I would paint before moving anything else in..or unpacking anything else. I say this..cause we just repainted the inside of our home recently..and of course you have to move it all to paint. But moving stuf to the middle of the room isn't that hard either. I love my stitching room..gald you have one too!
It is easier to paint BEFORE you get all the furniture in the room. Go to the paint store and look around until you go "ah!", you'll know the color when you find it. As for the windows, I think simple is best either just a valance, or some simple white sheers, nothing too fussy (my taste). You are lucky to have a good view!
ack..that was me (anonymous) Terry in Arlington. and I meant glad. I was trying to type during lunch at work!
Since this is "your" space and not open to public scrutiny, paint it a color you LOVE but wouldn't dare to use in another part of the house. Same with the window treatments.
I always consider my craft room the "experiment" room, where my imagination can run wild. Have fun. Enjoy. Donna from MI
Hi Tina - thanks for stopping by. Sorry I haven't been by to visit lately. I'm running around 90 mph with my hair on fire most of the time. Looks like you've been superbusy getting a new "crib"!
I love your new house - it's yellow, and cottage-y, and I love it! I can't wait to see what you do with it - send more pictures please. I know you'll have it all spiffed and cottage-d up in no time. Are you pleased with it? I know ya'll have been in limbo for so long and I'm glad you have this to look forward to getting just the way you want!
I second Anonymous - you make that sewing room YOURS. Do something funky or different - it's YOUR room! I'll be back for more updates on your house!
So glad you finally got your house. It's fun to see your pictures! By all means, paint this room a fun color, since it's just yours.
I agree with your other commentors go to the paint dept. and find a fun color that makes you happy.
Share pics when you decide, and I think I'd just do a coordinating valance for your windows.
Since we're in the midst of painting and personalizing our house, my best tip is to find fabric or curtains you like first, then pick the paint. Don't pick the paint first - I guarantee you you'll have a devil of a time finding fabric or curtains to match. It's SO much easier to work from the fabric first.
I'm envisioning a fun, brightly colored fabric valance and plain sheers on the windows, and a lively color - maybe a green? on the walls.
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