They would like to have 'take out' but they can't get the cob off. (they managed to get one, but not the other two)
This one is behind the tree branches but if you look closely you can see them
I took the first two pictures through the glass in the back door - when I opened it just enough to stick my camera out they took off.
Hope you had a great holiday weekend. We had a yellow and blue 4th of July - meaning we painted the dining room - pictures soon. Sunday evening we sat out on the driveway and watched as the neighbors shot off fireworks. (should have taken the camera outside - oops) There were several fireworks displays around town, but it was nice to just stay home and not fight crowds. I'm really not into getting in the middle of a crowd to watch fireworks!
Love that picture of the raccoons. We actually raised one from a baby to when it could leave to go out on it's own (well actually my sister did). It was like a dog - potty trained and everything. The next spring it came back with family in tow and ran up for bananas - it's favorite snack.
Too cute :)
Love the raccoons!! I can't believe they are out during the day.. They must have been very hungary... Too Cute !!
They are adorable :-)
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