Sunday, August 26, 2007


Made a cake for dessert last night. Uh-oh. First it fell in the middle, then I totally missed the plate when I dumped it out of the pan! How did that happen? I followed the directions (I always do when I bake something for the first time) and baked at 325 for 45 minutes - then had to bake 10 more because it wasn't done. Next time, I'll bake at 350 and see if that doesn't work better. It does taste good though!


Anonymous said...

It all goes down the same! Did you have ice cream with it? Yummy!

Esther Sunday said...

No problem... it looks pretty darn good with the cup of coffee I am drinking this morning. Love, Esther

Anonymous said...

It's all about the taste, I would love a peice this a.m. with my coffee too.
:) Bren