Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!

Well, once again, it's been a minute since I've been here. 
Life happens and I just have not spent a lot of time on the computer and I've not had a lot of stitching time. 

A few weeks ago I went to my annual stitching get-away (okay, it's been a whole month) We always get several projects while we were there, this was the first one. A lot of people finished this at the retreat - I finished it last week. I haven't started the others yet.

I finished the stitching part of this chart last year but I didn't get it 'finish finished' early enough to display for Easter.

This is More Chocolate Bunnies by Hands on Design. 
I stitched on 32 ct Lambswool with the called for colors (except for 3781- I used 898).
I put magnets on the back and I'm using an enamel easel from Hobby Lobby. The bow also has a magnet so I can swap this out for other seasons.

My galvanized tray and rooster that always sit on the corner of the bar.

Seems I only took a picture of one side of this tiered tray.

and all 'three sides' of the small one.
I dunno. . .

My azaleas are late blooming this year but they sure are pretty this week!

This is one of the new ones we planted last year. We did two of this pink, two lighter pink and two white. Had I known the dark pink was going to bloom so well, I would have done them all one color. There are a few hostas trying to pop up this week too!

Yes, mulch is on the list. 

My hydrangeas are putting out leaves - hopefully we will have some blooms this year. There was only one bloom last year. Looks like bigfoot is making his way out of there today. I never know where he will be. Hubby likes to move him around.

The shrubs that nearly froze to death last year are putting out well this year. We cut them all the way down to see what they would do.  I'm still debating whether they will stay, but they are staying for now. I haven't even been to look at any plants this year.

We have a couple of home improvements in the works but they are moving slowly. I'll share when I actually have something to show.

There are a couple more trips coming up but I'll try to not be gone so long this time.
I know I keep saying that - I do mean it when I say it. 

Happy Easter!