I'm really running behind this year! I've got all the trees in this post - hopefully I'll get some other pictures up soon - at least before I start taking decorations down!
I'm just going down the list in the order they showed up - I'll be here all day if I start moving them around. I'll get flustered (like when I can't make the text center at the top of the page. I'm so technically challenged and every time I figure something out, they up and change it before I come back!)
Anywho - I replaced a couple of my trees this year. Different tree, same ornaments. This is the tree with the kids ornaments on it.
Here is the big tree. I'm still really happy with this purchase from last year.
This is another new tree, same ornaments. This is the fireman tree. I knew I had some more bead garland but by the time I found it I was done with the tree decorating so I might put another string or two on next year.
This was taken from the front door. I have three trees in the living room. The are all on one side - I'm thinking I might need one on the other side of the room for balance next year!
This is the other new tree this year. Same ornaments. It's a little bigger than the last tree. That poor tree was tired! Found the bucket at Hobby Lobby and it fit perfect!
Same little tree in the master bedroom but I did give it a fresh bow. I need to take a nighttime picture when the little church is lit up.
This poor little feather tree is about worn out too! It's in my sewing room. I was planning on making some new ornaments for it but well, that didn't happen this year! Maybe next year!
Again this tree is the same one I've been using in the guest room for the last several years. I'm thinking it might be time for an upgrade in there too.
And last but not least, my vintage ceramic tree. I haven't had this thing out in over 20 years but I needed something in my little garden house on the front porch and this fit the bill. I did replace all the little red birds with multicolored bulbs. These things are everywhere this year and mine has just been hanging out in a plastic tote.
More pictures of the inside and outside to come. I should have taken outside pictures earlier - one of the outside decorations bit the dust this week. Too late to replace it this year so it's just out there unlit. I'm telling ya, if you wanted new decor this year you had to get it early!
Hope you are all surviving this crazy year! It's definitely been a challenge!