We have finally finished the guest bathroom!
Kind of.
I had already taken everything off the walls when I took the before picture.
The shower and toilet are on the other side of that wall.
We didn't replace the tub/shower since it is in good shape and we used the mirror that was already in there, however it had to be removed and repositioned because the new vanity is taller than the old one.
This is the new view from the hallway!
Removing the wall makes the room look so much bigger and feel less claustrophobic.
The shelf on the wall opposite the mirror was previously on the wall we removed - daddy made it for me years ago and I really wanted to keep it in there. I had three shelves over the toilet before but I only put two back up as I really don't need them for towel storage anymore but since I have no idea what I am going to put there I put a few towels there for now.
I still plan on framing the mirror but there was a bit of an issue when we took the clips off the bottom - the mirror just slid down the wall. (The guy that put it up said we could take them off the next day - we waited two weeks) Fortunately it rested on the backsplash and did not fall off the wall! We managed to push it back up an replace the clips and the mirror guys came back and glued it up again - this time using three different types of adhesive. Out of an abundance of caution, we will be giving it more time to cure before we attempt that again! So it's finished, for now.
I have wanted that wall gone since the day we moved in this house and I am very happy with the results.
Thanks for following along on this house update journey. It's been quite the experience as we have, for the most part, done stuff ourselves - and we lived in a 'project' house for 24 years.
We won't be doing anything else major for awhile but we do still have DIY things that need to be done - after I recover from this a bit.
I'm still trying to get things all clean and back together. (sheetrock dust gets everywhere!) I worked on my sewing room a little this week (the room where all the 'parts' landed while waiting to be used) but I'm not quite to where I can use my sewing machine yet. Any new crafting stuff has just been kind of piled in there along with anything I have actually used the past few months. (and I went to a retreat while this was in process!)
I have done a bit of stitching and I will show that soon.
I hope you are all staying cool - it's been super hot and humid here in Texas. Way too early for it to be this hot.