Thursday, July 25, 2024

Better late than never?

 Been home two whole months and still have only made one post on the trip to France.

Between the four of us there are almost 1200 photos.

I will try to keep it to a minimum over a few posts.

After our rather interesting ride from the airport this was our 'home' for the next few days.
It's uphill, inside that door is a set of steps - I didn't count them but once we got inside the actual front door to the apartment, there were 40 steps. Narrow, winding, steep steps. Yep - I counted them.
It was mid-afternoon and we had so we took a minute to rest up and size up the place before walking down to the little store to get a few necessities. It was downhill on the way to the store - which meant it was uphill all the way back. Wasn't sure my fat self was going to make it.

Our nightly view - once it finally got dark. It stayed daylight until 10:00ish.

The next day (our first full day) we took a bus to Paris, navigated the metro and walked. 
We really didn't have a plan but headed towards the Eifel Tower.

The open market was interesting. 

Finally stopped for a bite to eat. We dined outside on the sidewalk.
Good place for people watching.

Getting closer! 
Don't know why daddy was trying to hide in the back.

It's pretty big!

Actually went all the way to the top!

The views were beautiful!

Already getting ready for the Olympics.

We stopped at the restaurant on the way down for a snack.
Did a little more walking around then
took the bus back to our little home away from home.

Decided to try pizza from this truck that we parked close to the little market. The pizza wasn't that great but the show we saw while waiting was entertaining.
There was an older gentleman on our side of the road that was having a rather loud conversation (in French) with a mail carrier on the other side of the street. They had quite a lengthy 'discussion'. While it was all in French, the universal gestures were enough to know it wasn't friendly!

Okay, I'm out of time for today. 
More soon!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Happy 4th!


Miss Abigail says Happy Independence Day!