Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pretty, pretty

Someone asked what kind of flowers these are.

Of course I couldn't remember and had to hunt down the tag to find out what they are.

They are an annual called Calibrachoa.
I think they are doing quite nicely - I can't say that for my hydrangea - poor baby needs some water but I'm going to wait until it cools off a little this evening then I'll get out the sprinklers and watering can. And when I say a little cooler, I mean very little. It doesn't cool off much but at least the sun isn't bearing down on you.

Hope everyone is having a great week! 

I'm having foot issues again but I'm trying not to let it get to me too much - already made an appointment to see the doctor, hopefully it is early enough that meds can take care of it and I won't have to have the shots again. Those suckers hurt!


Robin in Virginia said...

Those are pretty posies, Tina! Hope the meds help with your foot issues, so you don't have to have the shots.

Robin in Virginia

Terry said...

Love your flowers. You are very positive about your foot.