Thursday, September 24, 2015

It may be fall on the calendar

but the weather here didn't get the message! 

I haven't started any fall decorating yet (maybe this weekend?) with the exception of this one little spot. You can't really tell it in this photo but the flower 'vase' is a pumpkin. Had it for years and always used it for candy in the fall. Last year the lid broke. (happens when glass hits tile floor) I didn't throw the bowl part away - just stuck it out in the garage until I could figure out something to use it for. Picked up a few fall flowers and a little  birdhouse and now I have a new fall arrangement! No, the mirror isn't dirty - it's old. The jewelry tree was a gift from a friend years ago but some of the pieces fell off at some point and I stuck it in the closet until I could get around to gluing it back together. Found it when looking for something else (of course) and fixed it so I could put it back out on display. (yes, it stays out year-round)

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Flowers that keep.

Finally, flowers that I won't kill because I get to lazy to water. :)

I might need to make some more!

Happy weekend!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Happy birthday!

Today is the hubby's birthday! 
Made him an Italian Cream Cake and we went to lunch together. He has gone on an errand at the moment so I thought I would see if I could get a post up.

In a round-about way I got this picture up, still working on others. I will figure it out one way or another so I guess I will keep trying.

I think I need a piece of cake. :)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Pictureless post

So, I made the mistake of downloading Windows 10 on this computer and now I can't find anything. I can't get it to download new pictures from my camera to the folder I was using, instead it downloaded ALL the pictures from my camera into another folder with no numbers. Have no idea how to get those in picmonkey to edit or how to move them to another folder much less figure out how to post them on here.
If things don't  quit changing (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) I am going to have to give up on blogging. Every time I get the new whatever figured out they change something else. I'm too old for this.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!