Friday, September 11, 2015

Pictureless post

So, I made the mistake of downloading Windows 10 on this computer and now I can't find anything. I can't get it to download new pictures from my camera to the folder I was using, instead it downloaded ALL the pictures from my camera into another folder with no numbers. Have no idea how to get those in picmonkey to edit or how to move them to another folder much less figure out how to post them on here.
If things don't  quit changing (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) I am going to have to give up on blogging. Every time I get the new whatever figured out they change something else. I'm too old for this.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Robin in Virginia said...

Sorry you are having issues with Windows 10, Tina! Please don't stop blogging! You would be missed. Have an enjoyable weekend!

Robin in Virginia

Terry said...

Have a great weekend! Blog stays!