Saturday, November 18, 2017

Birthdays and Qsnaps

 My baby boy is 31 today. How did that happen so fast? One day he was learning to walk and the next he is a grown man, married, and living in New York. A long way from his Texas roots. Time flies by so quickly. Wishing him the happiest of birthdays and looking forward to seeing him and his bride at Christmas. (we may even have a couple of days where the 'kids' will all be here at the same time - that seems to get harder every year but I love it when it works out!)

While baby boy has been celebrating his birthday, I've been working on a Qsnap puzzle. I've got matching side pieces and clips but I can't get them together to fit the clips. I'll work on that again tomorrow.  Maybe.


Robin in Virginia said...

Happy birthday wishes to your youngest son! I hope he had a good day. Interesting puzzle with your Q-snap pieces!

Robin in Virginia said...

PS It looks like you have several extenders to make larger frames.