Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Little Catching Up

Well, I didn't mean to take that long of a break.

The days get away from me so quickly lately.

Today is my Mother's birthday.
It's hard to believe she has been gone almost six years.

I know we are way past Christmas but here are the last of the ornaments I fully finished for this year.

Snow Love
Country Cottage Needleworks
(I hope I have this right)
Got my cording tied just slightly off center.

I still have a few of these printed ornaments to do. I kind of like mixing them in for something different now and then.
I sew a piece of batting to the back before I do the embroidery, then I put a piece of felt on the back and blanket stitch it together.

I don't know when I originally stitched this one but I was never happy with my finish.
It doesn't look that bad in the picture but it was badly stuffed.
Every year when I pull it out I tell myself I need to re finish it and this year I did!

Much better!
Country Cottage Needleworks 
 2007 JXS Ornament Issue

And of course I can't post without a picture or two of baby girl.
She had her first milkshake a few weeks ago.

She loves to play outside! 
She's coming for a visit in a couple of weeks so Pa says we need to get her a slide for here.

Hope to not take so long between posts this time.

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