Friday, May 3, 2013

Pink it is!

Remember the pictures from my last post?  Well, it seems the plants are coming back to life faster than I am if you scroll back to the last post or click on the link you can see what they looked like then  and here is what they looked like a couple of days ago. (couldn't take pics yesterday or today - takes all your effort to stay upright in this wind!
I still haven't spent enough time on here to figure this new interface out (and I hear they are pulling the plug on reader too - I really need to take the time to get that moved) but anyway - my Hydrangea is coming back nicely. Despite the fact that I put a hefty dose of the make it blue stuff on it they are blooming pink so I'm just going with it. I mean, I love pink but for some reason I love blue Hydrangeas.
 Oh well - as long as it keeps getting bigger, I'll take it. It is already bigger than it was when we bought it last year.

And take a look at my hosta! Last week it was barely starting to come back to life and now it already has a but on it!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Gorgeous! I am jealous! I have a hibiscus that lived thru the winter in the garage, but I have to drag it in and out as it was 39 here this am. Your plants are just beautiful! Terry