Saturday, June 1, 2024

Happy June!

Happy June! 

I took a little trip with my dad, sister and brother last month - I will tell you about that in my next post. I took some pictures but we gave my brother the role of  'official vacation photographer' and I haven't got the photos from him yet. 

While I was gone Miss Priss learned how to sit up on her own! 

Oh how I missed her while I was gone!

I can't believe she is already six months old!

How can you not smile when you see that face?
I love her so much!

 We had lots of rain in May and my hydrangeas are loving it! 
They went a bit wild while I was gone! 
They got a bit beaten up with the past couple of storms but they are still looking good.
It's dark and thundering again now - should start raining soon!

More soon!

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Your hydrangeas look awesome, Tina. What a happy baby she is and I can't get over she is 6 months. Happy June!