This is the 'blue butterfly' plant. I planted two of these and they are both coming back.
Potato vine - not supposed to come back, but I haven't planted any this year and I found this last weekend.
The lantana is coming back
on both sides of the porch. I am so glad to see these coming back. I have tried them once before in another flowerbed and they didn't make the summer - I'm glad I gave them another chance!
The hydrangea is coming back nicely too
That is it for the flower pictures for now (although I guess they are just plant pictures at this point since there aren't any blooms yet!).
Things are drying out around here. No rain at all yesterday. They are keeping the CYA (cover your a**) 20% chance in the rain for the rest of the week but hopefully there won't be anymore before the ground has a chance to dry out a bit.
Have a great day!