Anywho - after shopping, we came home and his dad showed him the tools and set him up to work.
Never thought I would see him using power tools!
He was building a portable gaming table. There are two other sections sitting off to the side - I think it can extend to 8 feet but it comes apart in sections small enough to fit in his car and to store in his apartment. Not bad for a first try! He is planning to cover it with something so he didn't finish it out, just sanded the rough spots.
In between the TSO show, a trip to the IMAX to see Mission Impossible and other assorted 'Christmas fun' the guys gave it a test run with a game of Risk.
Still working on catching up around here!
Very nice Game Table!! He did a great job! Multi-talented son you have! Sounds like yall are having a great time together!! Happy 2012!
He did a great job for his first try. And it's a really nifty idea. Wonder where he got it from?
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