Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My blue hydrangea

I bought this pretty blue hydrangea - it was labeled as blue and had blue blooms on it. I know the soil can change the colors so I also bought the stuff to keep it blue. I have all but drowned it in the stuff.

Isn't it just a lovely shade of blue? Uncle! - now have a lovely pink hydrangea with blue bottles (removed from the front flower bed - this is in the back yard - take that HOA)
We had nearly 5 inches of rain yesterday so the plants are all happy today! We even got some cooler temps to follow the rain. Too bad they will only be here a few days but I'll take what I can get.

Hope you are having a great week!

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

I love your blue hydrangea! LOL It is a pretty shade of pink and your blue bottles look lovely with it. Your fern looks lush peeking out from behind in its own pot.

Robin in Virginia