I told you I would eventually get around to showing some pictures from the retreat. Well, these aren't exactly 'from' the retreat - they are from after I got home. (the pictures from the retreat, which are very few, are still on my phone - I'll get there)
Anyway - here are a few pictures of some (but not all - I was trying to get things put away before company arrived so I missed some stuff) of the goodies I came home with. If you would like to see some pictures from the retreat there are some posted on the shops website.
3 Stitches Link is on the left side of the page, all the way at the bottom.

The theme this year was 'treasures through time'.

The wooden box, scissor holder and scissors were part of the goodies we all received. There is usually always something with the year on it. (this was get-away #14 - I've been to the last 6)

There are always 'door prizes' given over the course of the weekend. Everyone puts their name in a basket and she keeps drawing until all the prizes are gone. I came home with this cute cup and saucer (vintage), teapot (not vintage) and the dresser scarf (also vintage) that is scrunched up under the goodies.
Pam (3 Stitches owner) does all the gift/goodie planning/shopping/packing herself. There are always employees at the retreat but no one except Pam, including store employees, knows the theme until the retreat starts. They might have cut fabric for projects or something but they only knew what size to cut and not what the project looked like. Even the ones who help get all the boxes of stuff to the retreat don't know what is in them! I would have loved to have gone shopping with Pam this year - there were so many vintage items in the door-prize bags!

I kept my shopping way down this year. There were several charts/kits I liked but I already had most of them and I restrained myself from buying the few I didn't already have. I thought I was doing pretty good to limit myself to one pair of scissors. The key ring is already holding my keys. I'm starting to have quite a collection of the needle magnets too. The only other thing I bought was a set of storage boxes but those had to be ordered since the only two sets she brought were snapped up before I got to the table! I picked them up last weekend but I haven't taken pics yet.
The garage sale went fairly well. Our next door neighbor had stuff out too - it always helps to have more than one together, brings in more traffic. They had a lot of kids stuff so that tended to get people to stop. We didn't make a ton of money, but we got rid of a lot of stuff (it takes a lot of quarters and dollars to add up to a lot of money!) The good thing is that we didn't bring anything back in the house or garage. If it didn't sell, it got donated. The bad thing is there is now nowhere to sit in the game room. The plan is to get a new sofa for downstairs and bring the one we have now upstairs but I'm having a bit of a hard time picking a new one!
Well, I've rattled on long enough for today. I'm trying to get back to a more regular routine this week so hopefully that will get me back to more regular posting/reading. I'm still way, way behind on reading! Better get busy on the stuff that has to be done so I can move on to something fun - like blog reading!