He/she (not sure which and not getting close enough to find out - we will just assume it is a he) came alone this time - last time there were two and it was dark.
Really doesn't like being watched and if he could only get that corn cob off the feeder he would leave.
Then Autumn spied the visitor
and chased him
but he stopped at the next feeder to see if maybe that cob would come off - nope
and back the other way before he finally decided the he was going to have to leave without the prize. He came back later - after dark - and finished off what corn was left.
I'm going to take a little blogging break to tend to some family business. Nothing bad, just time consuming so I'm going to take a week or so off from posting. I'll try to stop by for visits when I have a minute - maybe I can keep from being so far behind reading blogs - maybe not.
Hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend and I'll see ya back here in a week or so!
Those are the cutest little feeders, where did you find them? I love that look of determination Autumn has; never mind that the raccoon is 10' above, it's all about mind over matter!
I'm surprised that Autumn didn't scare Mr. Raccoon away for a little while, but the raccoon was definitely on a mission. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Nocturnal animals venturing out in daylight COULD be a sign of rabies. Talk to your local animal control people. Raccoons carry serious diseases, especially when children are involved. We have had some terrible problems in Santa Cruz County...clearly animals that should be observed from a distance.
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