Found these at the grocery store yesterday and now my kitchen smells like grape kool-aid! Not sure just how much they taste like grapes but they sure smell like grape kool-aid!
I guess you can tell by the above content - I got nothin' today.
Spent the weekend in ET so nothing got done around here. I'm moving slow as molasses this morning. So far I've managed to dust/vac the dining room and sweep/mop the entry. Guess I should be downstairs cleaning instead of upstairs on the computer!
It has been cloudy all morning. Had a little rain shower a few minutes ago - barely got the street wet - and now the sun is out so I'm sure it feels like a sauna out there. I'm not a fan of humidity. I'm more of an inside with the a/c running kinda girl when it is hot and humid outside.
Guess I'll go put supper in the crock pot, find something for lunch and see if I can get another room or two cleaned.
Have a great week!
I love those grapples! And they do smell like grape kool-aid. There was a very short rain here today also.
Okay spill....are they good?
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