Man the humidity is terrible today! The weatherman says we have some cooler temps coming next week and I hope he is right! (he actually used the term 'cold front'!) The last couple of days got away from me but I want to say thanks to those who have stopped by and left comments. Amazing how good it can make you feel to just read nice comments!
Linda - Yes, Canton is great. An experience like no other! LOL Be sure to let me know when you get your blog up.
Lani - there is no 'recipe'! I used one of those package things. This one was from McCormick I think, made for slow cookers and this one was for pot roast, but I used stew meat instead. Throw it all in and cook for 8 hours on low or 4 hours on high.
One more bit of old business before I get to the new stuff! Becky at
http://sweetcottagedreams.blogspot.com/ tagged me in the name game (my first tag!) so here goes. You are supposed to use your middle name and tell things about yourself. My middle name is Annette - why couldn't I have a short middle name?
Anxiety - yep, I have issues.
Nuts - I'm nuts about
Needlework (two for one!)
Envy - I envy people who are full of self confidence. I don't have a 's' for shy so that will have to do.
Tina is short for LaTennia (pronounced LaTina)
Timothy is my middle child and I HATE it when people shorten his name to Tim or Timmy or whatever. I know, considering my first name that is somewhat of a double standard but from the day I was born, I never went by anything other than Tina. Timothy was never anything but Timothy until he got in 6th grade band. Really set me off when I introduced myself as Timothy's mother and his teacher had a blank look on his face until I gave my last name. 'Oh, Tim' NO, TIMOTHY. Can you tell that is a button pusher. Pretty much everywhere except home he goes by Tim these days but he is 23 and nothing I can do about that, but he is still Timothy at home!
Even though my kids are all grown, I still don't have an empty nest.
I'm supposed to tag 7 people here, but not that many people read my blog and several of those have already been tagged so if you are reading this and haven't already played this game, consider yourself tagged. Stop by Becky's blog for instructions!
Okay - now to new business! I went to an estate sale this morning. I did not get out early because I knew it would be packed and well, I just don't get dressed that early if I don't have to be at work! Anyway - I picked up these three thimbles. I didn't come across them until I was on my way out and I had a lunch date so I didn't get to look as much as I would have liked - probably a good thing, there were tons of them! I also picked up this cute little box - I think my thread winders might have found a new home. Lastly - check out these buttons! There were 3 bags of them but another girl and I spotted them at the same time - she was closer so I only got the one bag. My favorites are the two right on top. I haven't even opened the little baggie and looked at the loose ones yet. Will see if I can resist going back tomorrow to see if they have any thimbles left.